Wednesday 5 October 2011

Life in the fast lane

 This week in pictures.

My pina coloda after work one day

It appears that there IS work being done in Jamaica, despite what my pictures lead you to believe...

On Saturday I went up to Kingston for a week of meetings at the head office. On Sunday a group of the CUSO-VSO volunteers traveled to San San beach on the east side of Jamaica.

We had to go through the Blue Mountains to get to the beach on the north shore. We took a 'coaster' or a local bus.

Kim and her daughter Samar at the beginning of our 2.5 hour bus ride.

Wendy, another volunteer.  You can see the ocean out the window which meant we were half way there.

The beach!

My token artsy shot.
 We had several cameras and our beach adventure was well documented.  For more pictures, including photographic evidence I was there, see George's version of the adventure or Wendy's.